Friday, July 31, 2015

Ramana Maharshi’s Nan Yar ?  Who Am I ? [continued]

Just as the spider emits out the thread of his web (Maya) & again withdraws it into itself. Likewise the Mind projects the World out of itself & again resolves it into itself.  When the Mind comes out of the Self, the World appears. Therefore, when the World appears to be real, the Self does not appear; & when the Self shines, the World does not appear.

When one persistently inquires into the nature of  the Mind, the Mind will end, leaving the Self remaining. What is referred to as the Self, is the Atman (non-different from Brahman). The Mind always exists only in dependence on something gross; it cannot stay alone. It is the Mind that is called the subtle body or the soul (jiva).

 The Maharshi sometimes used the Analogy of the Caterpillar not stepping off one leaf until secure on the next. Ego-Mind is the source of derivative Concepts, but in turn is supported by some of these same Concepts. If “caught” with no support it “falls away.”  Releasing such Concepts thus promotes the result of Liberation.

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